Madeline Orsinger
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Artwork by madeline orsinger

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Celebrating the sacramentality of creation


To view the world ‘sacramentally’ is to perceive deep mysteries within the ordinary - the hidden realities behind the visible. I want to paint radiant, striking, grounding reality - reality that heals the heart, that meets us at the core of our being and reminds us of the depths for which we exist.


I’ve heard it said that what we picture in our minds is what our brains accept as true. Viewing the world sacramentally takes a disciplined training of the eyEs and mind. Artwork is a wonderful way to immerse yourself in a scene and allow it to impact you more deeply than the fleeting glimpse you may have given it in your day to day life. Slowing down, allowing space for silence and contemplation, is the means of attuning yourself to reality.


light, texture, subtle grays and natural earthtones

I seek to capture the ever-fleeting colors of radiating natural light, the vividness, glow, depth and contrast as it pours over a landscape, through the layers of atmosphere, highlighting a branch here, a grass-blade there, the colors brightly emerging from the soft shadows which veil the scene in mystery.

Working with deep texture and allowing the raw beauty of palette knife strokes to form a foundation, I use many many layers to build a scene that captures the depth and radiance of light. These techniques, combined with a natural earth-toned color palette often give a sense of timelessness and nostalgia to my paintings, a singular moment drawn out. Like a memory, it’s just a taste of some fullness that’s ungraspable, but its essence has impact and remains firmly with you.

Partner with Me-

Make your home or business a fountain of inspiration, a place of remembrance of all that is good.
