The Big Picture: On Motherhood and Being and Artist

I’ve been inspired to start writing more from my own experiences, and sharing about my walk with the Lord through various seasons he leads me through, so here begins a series of more personal blogs!

I’m in the thick of motherhood now - a 2 year old and 5 month old. They bring me absolute joy and absolute opportunity for growth in virtue.

I’ve always felt called to stay home with our children, despite being a dreamer with big goals and vision for my creative calling, which has been a thread throughout my life and displayed itself in different ways during different seasons.

Up until nearly a year ago I was balancing a work-from-home part-time admin missionary job while staying home with our oldest daughter. But when we were pregnant with our 2nd I knew I’d need something with more flexible hours, and that would flow from my primary role as wife and mother, not compete with it for time.

I sensed it was time to step back into creating more. But at the same time I knew the arrival of a newborn wasn’t going to make that easy.

I spent a few months before her arrival getting the business side of things prepped - getting my website updated and functional, attempting to hone my brand and discern my audience and approach, learning about business and marketing strategies.

And I remember the grasping anticipation I felt leading up to her birth - how would I make time for art? Where would I find the space? How would it look? Would I do it with the kids around? Would I need to work during the night?

I spent a few hours one afternoon googling these questions - how to balance motherhood and being an artist. BAD IDEA. Though I’m sure there are great resources on this topic, I didn’t find them. What I found instead were articles and blogs from the covid days when kids were home from school and mothers resentfully found themselves needing to cut back their art time to take care of their kids and school them, bemoaning the hold on their careers, and setting their gaze on hopefully better days ahead when they would have their stolen time back. I found articles on mothers simply putting a hold on art altogether when kids were young.

I certainly ended up more discouraged than inspired. There had to be a better mindset out there. I believe in fully in embracing your season of life - if we’re finding ourselves simply waiting for better days, we’ll be missing out on the grace of the present. I was excited to parent my young children, and at the same time I felt called to step into creativity. So I resigned to patient waiting - I knew the grace would only be found in the present, not the time leading up to it.

And what can I say now that I’m here?

I think the single biggest lesson I’ve (begun!) to learn is to have a mind for the big picture. I’m in it for the long game. I’ve realized I need to discern and stay faithful to the process. God leads one step at a time, he doesn’t typically plop all the answers in your lap. You are inspired in an area, and you stick to it, through the thicks and thins of challenges that pop up or moments of discouragement or dryness.

To be completely honest I’ve never had more discouragement surrounding my art than this season of trying to press into it wholeheartedly. My husband’s encouraged me that that’s probably a sign that I’m doing something right, because its the important things in our lives that are met with the most resistance.

And I know its true because I’m learning so much about myself and my walk with God in the midst of it, if nothing else I know he’s at work in me, and that knowledge is enough to keep pressing in.

So what do I do?

I make space for the important things - I take care of my children and consider what they need for their health and holiness - I shape our day to allow space for their formation. The two year old needs to experience basic prayer, work, play and leisure, discipline. We’re structuring our days to be a foundation through which God will work in her life through the circumstances of her day. She might have a crabby day and throw a whining fit every five minutes. Well, God’s will for me in that moment is to be a channel of his own patient love for her, gently correct and redirect her. It may not look like the perfect day on the outside, but its a day of what she apparently needed, (and I need those days once and a while too, it keeps me from making an idol out of a day that went ‘smoothly’.)

I try to make space to do art because God’s asked me to. (He’s not asked me to succeed - an important distinguisher!) But I try to be faithful to applying myself, and I experiment with different approaches. One day, around when the baby was 2 months and just starting to get into a nap routine, I’d had a couple days in a row where both the babe’s naps lined up for an hour and a half. So today, I thought, I’ll get out the paints and work during that time slot. The time of day arrived, I got them both napping. I took out the paints and starting mixing colors. (Now I work in acrylics. I use mediums to extend the drying times, but even so they dry within an hour, so if I don’t use them then and there its a waste of paint.) The moment of truth - the colors were mixed. Then, ‘whaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!’, our baby is a shreiker, there’s no mistaking that she’s awake, and awake for a while. Ugh! This moment and many other’s where my plans are overturned have sent me into temporary spirals - Why do I try? Maybe I’ve hear God wrong and I’m not supposed to be doing art. Will I ever have predictability in my life again?

I’ve realized I will encounter these spirals because I’m human. But I’ve also realized they will pass, and in the moment I can simply counter them with what I know - God’s not asking me to be successful, he’s asking me to be faithful. This is a particular season of unpredictability, but that will pass with time.

And so I adjust - for the time being, still not attempting to paint during nap time anymore. I only do the computer side of business during those times since I can drop it in an instant. I choose 2 evenings a week where I’ll paint after the kids are in bed. (Sometimes the baby cries for hours and I don’t get the work in, but in the long game over the course of several weeks, art gets made!). Recently my mom so kindly offered to watch them for a 4 hour chunk once a week so I can paint during the daytime (a gamechanger - the daylight brings out such subtlety of colors you simply can’t see at night.)

Since having a newborn, I’ve completed 5 originals (one for every month of her life), and am beginning to find more time in a given day since routines are beginning to show signs of life again. I consider that a win - the fruit of faithfulness in the long run.

I’m waiting for breakthrough in other areas, and I catch myself often entering into a striving mentality. I’m not meeting my sales goals, I must be doing something wrong. Maybe I haven’t found my ideal client, maybe I need to completely change the approach of my brand. Maybe I need to invest in a different marketing strategy.

When I enter that mentality, I make decisions quickly and change them often. Time is wasted. I don’t ever realize the fruits of my efforts because I didn’t stick it out long enough. I recently heard someone say that successful people make decisions slowly and rarely change them. There is much emotionalism connected to perceived success in your work. My theory is that it’s rooted in pride and fear. I want to be perceived as successful, and I want to know I’m doing the right thing (because I can see it working). I begin striving and trying new things sporadically because I fear God’s abandoned me in whatever area I thought I discerned, and I try to take control and get a quick perceivable fix.

But when all things pass and we stand in eternity - what will be the measure of our success? Will it be the success we perceived on earth? I believe it will be much deeper. We are the final work of art that will shine as a mirror of the glory of God. Our character, the extent to which our lives were grafted to Christ’s and we became like him, will be the living witness of our level of faithfulness.

And so I must stay faithful to the little things, cut the crap out of my life, get focused on what matters and press into the moment. Keep my gaze on Christ and do it for love of him and love of others. The success will multiply because that’s what God’s grace does - I can expect that in faith. It may or may not be perceivable on this side of life, but I’ll know it all one day.

My encouragement to you - stay faithful and press into what you discern in prayer, God’s leading you on a journey. You won’t be perfect and that’s ok, in his great love he shepherds us through all our weaknesses, leading us to where we rely on him most fully.